This series was tasked with creating a magazine layout branded by the student from Publication Design Class I. We had to use our skills we learned for using InDesign. That means using the grids and margins correctly and setting up a grid or some sort of typographical structure to place text around. I had a general feeling of my project. I went through various stages, my first book was supposed to be about music and art but, I found a photographer who takes azmaing photos of tribes in Papua New Guinea and that changed the theme of the magazine to a cultural exploration introduction. from a music and art mag. A big task was making sure the typography is visually pleasing. My design strategy was to try and bring all attention to the photos. So I used a thin font and tried to make the page all about those the photos. Along with the landscape ones I choose them because they represent the beatiful scenery you'll find in magazine. I focus more on the spread as I let the image somewhat became my structure for type.